For this first homework, we’re tasked with learning the basics of HTML and CSS, while practicing Git. To aid in creating decent looking web pages we’re also supposed to use Bootstrap, which I’ve learned is a popular CSS and Javascript library for page layout.
The assignment page can be found here. Despite the rather lengthy description, this HW is basically asking for a simple set of web pages.
Let’s get started …
I’ve downloaded clone
ed software from GitHub before, and browsed through code there, but I’ve never had to learn Git. I downloaded the offical Git software from Git-scm. After reading some tutorials and watching a couple YouTube videos on Git I’m ready to dive in.
I first created a repository on Bitbucket, then added a README through their web interface. To get a local copy on my machine I had to clone it and then make sure everything is set up correctly. The instructor wants us to do everything through the command line, so we fire up Git Bash (might try the bash shell in Ubuntu inside of the Windows Subsystem for Linux next time – I hear it’s better):
cd Documents/CS460
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone
cd myprojectname
git config --global "Scot Morse"
git config --global
git config --global --edit # to check
Now to add some code and see if we can push
up to the remote server:
echo "# README" >>
git add
git commit -m "Initial commit; create a project README"
git push -u origin master # the -u flag adds upstream tracking reference -- will have to look this one up
Checking the repo webpage –> success! Looks like I have a working repository and can add code ☺
I’ve used HTML before so this should be a cinch…
You get the picture. Put some real content in here. Don’t just copy and paste your code – explain it. Use a blog or post format, or a mini-tutorial or as this one did, a journal entry style. Whatever you like. Be creative. At the very least it must show what you did and why.