Scot Morse

View My GitHub Profile!

Welcome to My Portfolio

If I were a student then this would be a Portfolio of some of my software, developed while a student at Western Oregon University.

About Me (or About this Example)

This would be a good spot to say a little about yourself. And then explain a little more about why you’re doing this.

Students at Western Oregon University create a Portfolio of their work during their Senior year. This is done as a part of the Senior Project, a year-long Software Engineering course (CS 460, 461 and 462).

These pages are an example of using GitHub Pages to organize a Portfolio. This is just an example to show students of one way to set it up.

Code Repository

All the code seen here is hosted in a separate repository:

Software Engineering I (CS 460): Homework

  1. Homework 1: HTML, CSS, Git and Bootstrap
  2. Homework 2: Add in some Javascript and jQuery, use branching in Git
  3. Homework 3: Learn C# by translating a Java application into a C# console app